
The use of titanium (two)

Titanium and other elements of iron, aluminum, vanadium or Mo alloyed high strength, made of light alloy, has been widely applied in various aspects, including the space (jet engines, missiles and spacecraft), military, industrial processes (chemical and petroleum products, desalination of sea water and paper), automobile, agricultural products food, medicine (prosthetics, Department of orthopedics, transplantation and dental instruments and fillers), sporting goods, jewelry and mobile phone etc.. [4].
Two properties of titanium bar stock is most useful, corrosion resistance, strength and weight of the highest metal than [7]. In non alloy under the condition, the strength of titanium with some steel comparable, but lighter 45%[8]. There are two allotropes [9] and five kinds of natural isotopes, from Ti to Ti, the highest abundance was Ti (73.8%) [3] [10]. The chemical properties and physical properties of titanium and zirconium are similar, this is because the number of valence electrons of the two the same, and belong to the same family of elements in the periodic table.
In the earth's crust, titanium reserves second only to iron, aluminum, magnesium, ranking the fourth. Since Grade 9 Titanium components has high melting point, the proportion of small, high strength, good toughness, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, low thermal conductivity, high and low temperature tolerance performance is good, in cold and hot conditions, stress is small, its commercial value start was recognized in twentieth Century fifty years, should be used in high-tech field of aviation, space etc.. With the continuous chemical, petroleum, electric power, desalination, construction, daily necessities industry promotion, titanium metal are increasingly attention, known as the "modern metal" and "strategic metals", is an important strategic material and raise the level of national defense equipment indispensable.

