
The use of titanium (three)

The measure of a country's titanium industry scale has two important indicators: titanium sponge titanium production and yield, which reflects the Surgical Titanium Wire sponge production of raw materials production capacity, titanium production reflects the deep processing capacity. Sensor Titanium housing industry has formed China, America, CIS, Japan and Europe five production and consumption of the main. China titanium industry started in 1954, after the test, the industrialized production of fixed-point layout, application and technology progress gradually developed. Especially since twenty-first Century, the national demand, driven by the reform and open policy, the titanium industry in Chinese is make a spurt of progress. 2011 is the first year of China's "Twelfth Five Year Plan", in this year, China's titanium sponge and titanium processing material production continues to growth inertia. According to the China nonferrous metal industry association of titanium and zirconium hafnium branch of statistics, 14 domestic titanium sponge production enterprise total output in 2011 was 64952t, increased by 12.4% compared to the same period. According to the statistics of 30 enterprises, in 2011 China co production of titanium processing material 50962t, grow 33% compared to the same period.

