
Titanium used in the chemical industry

Titanium beginning of the last century, when smelting, production of only two tons. Follow-up due to increased production technology matures, titanium has been greatly improved. The hardness of Titanium sheet metal almost, it weighs only half of steel, titanium, although a bit heavier than aluminum, but its hardness is aluminum 2 times. Now, in aerospace applications, a large number of titanium instead of steel. According to statistics, currently the world's titanium year for astronautics, and has reached more than one thousand tons. So the universe known as titanium metal, space metal.
Good heat resistance of titanium, the melting point up to 1725 ℃. At room temperature, titanium can not be corroded in a variety of acid and alkali solution, even aqua regia, can not corrode it. Because often they use it on the corrosion resistance of titanium, chemical industry. In the past, chemical reactors are installed with hot nitric acid components are made of stainless steel. Stainless steel can not resist strong corrosive - hot nitric acid, every six months, most of the components necessary to replace all. Now, with titanium to produce these parts, although the cost of more expensive than stainless steel components, but it can replace the use of discrete steps five to 10 years, the annual share of the cost of so doing drop a lot.

