
Development of China's titanium industry

Titanium is the Second World War on the world stage high light industrial corrosion resistant structural materials, known as second only to iron, aluminum, the "third metal."
After 40 years of development, the titanium industry has been formed to take from titanium ore mining, sponge titanium to titanium melting, forging, rolling, semi-finished products, titanium parts, titanium tube titanium and complete industrial system equipment manufacturing, becoming After the United States, Japan, Russia and the fourth has a complete industrial system titanium country. A complete titanium industrial chain, including: cast titanium sponge, titanium forgings products, titanium processing material (titanium, titanium strip, titanium tube, titanium rods, etc.) - titanium and titanium pieces processing equipment manufacturing.
China was the first country Baoji Titanium Industry Base, the titanium industry cluster in the international and domestic brands have a considerable influence. Over the years, China titanium industry base, gathered a group of vibrant SMEs, they integrate industry cluster resources, identify the direction, innovation, has made extraordinary achievements. Air Force titanium tubing for sale  is one who, through innovative incentives, extend the industrial chain to increase efficiency, local economic development, the country's economic development has made outstanding contributions.

