
Situation casting alloy of titanium tubes and pipes

With the demand for the development of the aerospace industry to expand titanium alloy tube and pipe casting range and further promote the development and improvement of the casting process, the late 1980s and has developed from a single piece casting to or from a few dozens of pieces and the whole cast together. Currently, large thin-walled cast iron alloy castings whole complex has reached the maximum diameter of 1300mm, maximum mass of more than 180kg, such as the GE90 engine fan case. Now  titanium tubing for sale  and titanium pipe casting, whether it is an alloy, casting and casting equipment and quality assurance (including various test castings, tools, handling equipment, etc.), have reached a more perfect level, basically meet the various industrial applications. Designers have considered or are considering the titanium tube castings coefficient increased from 1.5 into a titanium tube and titanium pipe foundry's basic situation and the ability of some developed countries of the world 1.20 1990s can be analyzed contrast.
    The mid-1990s, the domestic  titanium square tubing  casting has been developing rapidly. Currently engaged in the research and production of titanium tube casting units have reached more than a dozen.
    China's current level of technology and quality of the cast alloy castings casting a single piece of pipe has reached the international advanced level. Large quantities of the golf club head castings and civilian have been exported abroad, but the country as a whole casting technology and casting quality point of view, especially for large complex thin-walled castings and casting the whole grid quality inspection techniques; China and major countries in the world level there is still a wide gap.

